After getting A-levels in biology, physics and maths, I moved to Liverpool to go to university and finished with a first class degree and masters with honours in physics. After university I moved to Vancouver, Canada where I continued to study nuclear physics, specialising in instrumentation. Over my 4 years there I split my time between Simon Fraser University and TRIUMF, Canada’s national laboratory for nuclear and particle physics doing a mixture of research, teaching and studying and I started to realise teaching was where my passion lay.
I returned to Liverpool with a second masters and spent a year working at the World Museum before training to be a teacher at Hope University. I passed as an outstanding teacher and was head hunted by King’s as a physics teacher.
I am now the associate lead practitioner of science which means I run the science department along with the director of science. I couldn’t be happier here as the King’s ethos resonates with me and my beliefs about education: that every child deserves the best education, irrespective of who they are and where they’re from.