Behaviour & Rewards

The Academy can only flourish successfully in an atmosphere of trust, mutual understanding and good order. We expect the highest standards from our students and encourage them to be professional at all times.

Praise & Rewards

Monarch Criteria

Monarchs can be awarded for:

• Outstanding effort

• Representing the Academy

• Attending an extra lesson or revision class

• Showing the ASPIRE values

• A full cycle’s attendance and punctuality

• Progress/achievement

• Participation in extra-curricular activities

• Setting a good example

In addition, further awards for positive behaviour include:

• Verbal praise

• Random Acts of ASPIRE

• Praise postcards home

• A mention to your Academic Tutor, teacher or SLT

• Leadership responsibility

• Achievement assemblies

• Note in planner

• Phone calls home

Positive Referrals in Class

Positive referrals in Class

Students are rewarded for their endeavours both in and outside of the classroom. The system involves collecting of monarchs, which can be saved over time and spent in the school’s rewards auctions. The students can earn and lose monarchs in a variety of ways.

Firstly, inside of the classroom students are scored on their attitude to learning each lesson. Each score matches to a specific number of monarchs that are added electronically to the students balance weekly. The students are taxed on their incoming monarchs each week based on their attendance for that week.

Attitude to learning score Corresponding monarchs
King's Code (K) 50
Outstanding (1) 20
Good (2) 5
Poor (3) -20
Unacceptable (4) -40

Outside of the classroom students receive Random Acts of ASPIRE for leadership within the school community. This can be by showing acts of kindness to their peers and teachers, being a confident leader of the day, a strong classroom greeter, or demonstrating the ASPIRE values.

Monarch Statements

The system provides students with an electronic bank style account from which they receive weekly statements which allows them to keep track of their rewards and behaviour.

Week 7 Auction

Each learning cycle, the students have the opportunity to spend their monarchs during an auction event. Students’ use their devices to bid on a range of prizes, varying from vouchers, designing the school lunch menu and Subway lunches. Specifically for Year 11, students can spend their Monarchs on Prom. We believe that students achieve well through constant encouragement and well-deserved praise.

Classroom Behaviour

Strategies are used in the King’s classroom when a student’s behaviour adversely affects the learning environment.  There will be times when extreme behaviour fast tracks the normal process and triggers intervention from a senior member of staff. Parents are advised that as part of our Behaviour Policy, the Academy has the legal authority to issue no-notice detentions to students.

It should be noted that under education law however, the Academy is not legally required to inform parents/carers of a detention, nor is it required to have their permission to keep a child in detention. Recurrence of sanctions will often require parents to attend a meeting to discuss the next course of action.