Special Education Needs & Disabilities

King’s Warrington is committed to providing a high-quality, ambitious and inclusive education to all the children within our schools. We vow to make sure no child is left behind in their learning and this includes pupils with SEND.

Name of Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENDCo):

Mr M Bowden 


Name of  Assistant Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENDCo):

Miss M Maffeo

Kath Iddon
Name of Access Arrangements Co-ordinator:

Mrs K Iddon 

Mr Mike Ireland - Special Educational Needs Governor


You can find details of the Local Authority SEND Offer here:

Warrington Local Authority SEND offer SEND Information Report

What are special educational needs?

A student has Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND) where their specific learning difficulty or disability calls for special educational provision, namely provision different from or additional to that normally available to students of the same age. Having a generally low ability, or English as an additional language does not mean that a student has special educational needs. Medical conditions which impact education are also classed as special educational needs.


How will we identify pupils with SEND?

  • Upon transition, information will be collected from primary schools, including any SEND information. We will then decide whether or not this meets the threshold for addition to our SEND register. 
  • All students undergo a baseline assessment which includes a CAT4 analysis of cognitive ability. This may flag up any potential areas of need.  
  • Progress is monitored termly by classroom teachers and any areas for concern are passed on to Heads of Achievement and/or the SENDCo who will work with the classroom teacher. If there are long-term concerns, this may lead to addition on the SEND register. 
  • Social and behavioural progress is monitored by Year Leaders in conjunction with Academic Tutors. Any areas for concern are passed on to the SENDCo who will work with the Year Leader and the young person. If there are long-term concerns, this may lead to addition on the SEND register.
  • Home concerns are taken seriously. The SENDCo will work with the Year Leader and Head of Achievement for the student to support parents/carers to identify any potential additional needs.

What should I do if I think my child may have special educational needs?

Contact your child’s Head of Achievement and Year Leader who will be able to help in the first instance with concerns. They liaise closely with the SENDCo to support students within their year groups.

How will the school respond to my concern?

  • The class teacher will raise a record of concern and share this with the SENDCo.
  • A meeting will then be arranged by the SENDCo with yourself, the class teacher (if appropriate) and the SENDCo to identify the best way forward.

How will the school decide if my child needs extra support?

  • Following the meeting, the SENDCo will conduct initial assessments to inform the nature and level of support required by the child.

What will the school do to support my child?

  1. The child will be given precise teaching and targeted differentiation within the whole class setting.
  2. The child will be given targeted small group intervention for a set period of time.
  3. The child will be given targeted 1:1 support in a specific area of need for a set period of time. In some cases, additional and more specialist support will be sought through a referral to an outside agency.

What if my child needs further support?

  • If short-term intervention does not address the issues raised and greater needs are identified, the child, with consent of the parent/carer will be placed on the Special Educational Needs & Disabilities Register (SEND).
  • All children on the SEND register will have a personal support Plan which details the support a child will receive and the targets that have been set for them.

How will I know how the school supports my child/and how is this communicated?

It is important to us at King’s Leadership Academy Warrington that parents and young people are involved in the planning and reviewing of provision put in place to support any additional needs. You will be invited to attend meetings to discuss progress and next steps with your child’s Academic Tutor at Parents Consultation Events and can request to meet with the SENDCo/SEND team to discuss your child. 

You will be kept informed through reports sent home (three times each year) and parent’s evenings. If your child has a specific intervention you will be informed of this and you may be asked to attend a meeting in school to review progress. 

If your child has been diagnosed with special educational needs and disabilities, you can find support information at the following links