King’s Warrington is committed to providing a high-quality, ambitious and inclusive education to all the children within our schools. We vow to make sure no child is left behind in their learning and this includes pupils with SEND.
Name of Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENDCo):Mr M Bowden |
Name of Assistant Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENDCo):Miss M Maffeo |
Name of Access Arrangements Co-ordinator:Mrs K Iddon |
Mr Mike Ireland - Special Educational Needs Governor
You can find details of the Local Authority SEND Offer here:
Warrington Local Authority SEND offer SEND Information Report
What are special educational needs?
A student has Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND) where their specific learning difficulty or disability calls for special educational provision, namely provision different from or additional to that normally available to students of the same age. Having a generally low ability, or English as an additional language does not mean that a student has special educational needs. Medical conditions which impact education are also classed as special educational needs.
Contact your child’s Head of Achievement and Year Leader who will be able to help in the first instance with concerns. They liaise closely with the SENDCo to support students within their year groups.
It is important to us at King’s Leadership Academy Warrington that parents and young people are involved in the planning and reviewing of provision put in place to support any additional needs. You will be invited to attend meetings to discuss progress and next steps with your child’s Academic Tutor at Parents Consultation Events and can request to meet with the SENDCo/SEND team to discuss your child.
You will be kept informed through reports sent home (three times each year) and parent’s evenings. If your child has a specific intervention you will be informed of this and you may be asked to attend a meeting in school to review progress.
General Information
SEND information for parents and carers - Family Action
Autistic Spectrum Disorders
Parents & family | Dyspraxia Foundation
Developmental co-ordination disorder (dyspraxia) in children - NHS
Mental Health Services
Parents Mental Health Support | Advice for Your Child | YoungMinds
Children and young people's mental health services (CYPMHS)- NHS
Mental health in children and young people | Mental Health Foundation