Heath and Wellbeing

Supporting Student Wellbeing

King’s Leadership Academy Warrington are committed to the safety and well-being of all of our students. Health and well-being have a significant impact on a young person’s attainment and achievement. In light of this, we have well-established links to local external agencies engaged in the protection, safeguarding and well-being of young people.

All students can expect King’s Leadership Academy Warrington to support them in:

  • Meeting challenges, managing change and building positive relationships acknowledging differences.
  • Developing self-awareness, self-worth and respect for others.
  • Experiencing personal achievement and building resilience and confidence.
  • Understanding and developing their physical, mental and spiritual well-being and social skills
  • Understanding how what we eat, how active we are and how decisions we make about our behaviour and relationships affect our physical and mental wellbeing
  • Participating in a wide range of activities which promote a healthy lifestyle
  • Understanding that adults in their school community have a responsibility to look after the students, listen to their concerns and involve others where necessary
  • Learning about where to find help and resources to inform choices
  • Acknowledging diversity and understanding that it is everyone’s responsibility to challenge discrimination.

Getting Support from School

Have you got a problem or concern? Need a hand? No one to turn to? Don’t know what to do?

If you have any problems at school, at home, with your family or friends or in the local community please don’t suffer in silence.

‘Your Space’ is your safe space to come and ask for help and support or to access materials that may help you with things you are experiencing or how you are feeling. You can access this at school, at home, anytime, anywhere!

Your Space

Self Help Websites

There are also lots of links to useful self-help websites for help and advice:







